<p>Q. I have Gmail and am writing a novel that is now 95,000 words long and I don't want to lose it. Is it feasible for me simply to back up the file by sending myself an email at the end of each writing day with a file attachment consisting of the entire, updated novel?</p><p>A. Gmail's current size limit for file attachments is 25 megabytes, so backing up your novel by email should be fine, as word-processing documents are relatively small. Even if your file exceeds that size (if you have reference photos or other research materials in the document as well), you can use the free Google Drive online storage service to stash a copy each day. When composing a new Gmail message, move the mouse over the plus icon in the bottom toolbar and click the triangle-shaped Google Drive icon to attach a file up to 10 gigabytes.</p><p>Manually backing up the document to an inexpensive USB flash drive each day is another (or additional) option. You can keep an extra copy close at hand, even if you do not have Internet access.</p><p>One Mac, Two Screens</p><p><a href="http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/12/technology/personaltech/backing-up-a-book-with-gmail-and-another-screen-for-a-mac-laptop.html">Keep reading...</a></p>