<p>Finding an enterprise IT company at a startup gathering these days can be like searching for an obscure email in a crowded inbox.</p><p>But in prepping to attend Tuesday night's Web Innovators Group (Webinno) event in Cambridge, Mass., I did find one, and maybe two enterprise-focused newcomers: Skimboxand Qbaka.</p><p>Skimbox, of the two, is most clearly enterprise-focused, not that it doesn't also cater to consumers in this blurry world where personal and work lives intermingle. The Skimbox product (formerly known as Gander) is an AI-powered client that's designed to help users get to the emails they really need to see in a "Mainbox", and sort the rest for later viewing if necessary in a "Skimbox". The app, which requires the end user to mainly tap and swipe, employs information such as past relationships with a sender and keywords to sort messages into one box or the other. To continue reading, register here to become an InsiderIt's FREE to join</p><p>Network World - Finding an enterprise IT company at a startup gathering these days can be like searching for an obscure email in a crowded inbox.</p><p><a href="http://www.networkworld.com/news/2013/092513-startups-cleaning-up-microsoft-exchange-274193.html">Keep reading...</a></p>