<p>The Ribbon Microsoft's tabbed, consolidated command bar for its Office programs can be overwhelming to new users, but a little customization can make it feel more comfortable. In Office 2010 and Office 2013 for Windows, you can create a personal tab on the Ribbon and add all your favorite most-used commands to it for quicker access.</p><p>In Office 2010 and later, right-click on any tab on the Ribbon and choose "Customize the Ribbon" from the contextual menu. In the Options box, you can create your custom tab and choose the commands you want to add. Microsoft's site has instructions (and a demonstration video) for Office 2010 users here. Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac has its own customization options, including the ability to rearrange and hide tabs.</p><p><a href="http://gadgetwise.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/24/tip-of-the-week-customize-the-microsoft-office-ribbon/">Keep reading...</a></p>