<p>Let's take a quick look at a few releases out this week aimed at increasing social and business insights, enabling video collaboration and putting your SharePoint show on the road. DataSift and Splunk Join Forces</p><p>Social data platform provider DataSift announced a strategic partnership with big data platform vendor Splunk. DataSift users now have the ability to stream data from social streams into the Splunk Storm and Splunk Enterprise platforms, cutting down on analytics times "to minutes" according to DataSift Founder and CTO Nick Halstead.</p><p>The integration also makes it possible to analyze and correlate data from social, operational and business streams simultaneously, allowing a fuller view of organizational strategies. The cloud based solution is self-service and according to DataSift relieves organizations of the need for Business Intelligence experts and system administrators.bigtincan's SharePoint Hub</p><p>Bigtincan announced its SharePoint hub this week, providing secure access to SharePoint functionality available now on iOS and Android , with HTML5 support down the line. On top of the ability to view, publish and sync content within SharePoint, the app also gives users the ability to mix content from other sources including other Web CMSs, a user's hard drive or network drive with SharePoint materials. The app is free and available now in the Apple App Store or in Google Play. Citrix DIY Webcasting & Beta HDFaces Webinar Tools</p><p><a href="http://www.cmswire.com/cms/customer-experience/news-in-brief-datasift-splunk-mashup-bigtincan-sharepoint-app-citrix-gotowebcasts-for-smbs-020602.php">Keep reading...</a></p>