<p>KPIT Cummins, a global IT consulting and product engineeringpartner, is focused on co-innovating domain intensive technologysolutions for manufacturing corporations, and especially focuses onautomotive, Hi-Tech, energy and utilities, and industrialverticals. It partners with more than 150 global manufacturingcorporations, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs),semiconductor companies and Tier 1 companies.</p><p>Being in the global space, the company's employees wereheavily dependent on international calls and travel for businesspurpose, as most of the company's business deals have anoffshore/onsite model. This led to increase in travel andcommunication costs for the company.</p><p>The company was looking at a solution that enabled high-qualitycommunication and collaboration for employees spread acrosslocations and also met the company's requirements regardingits future expansion plans.</p><p>"Withlimited usage of video conferencing and high expenses and lack ofinfrastructure space, we were looking at a solution, which couldhelp us curtail rising costs and increase the collaboration andproductivity of our employees," says Mandar Marulkar, Head ITinfrastructure, KPIT Cummins.</p><p><a href="http://www.informationweek.in/software/13-01-30/collaboration_helps_kpit_cummins_slash_communication_costs.aspx">Keep reading...</a></p>