<p>KeyedIn Solutions has boosted its highly-successful Consulting Group operation with the appointment of Andy Sworan as Director of its SharePoint Practice.</p><p>Andy's appointment follows the launch of the KeyedIn SharePoint Optimization consultancy offering, which enables organizations to make best use of their SharePoint investment and manage implementation, upgrade, compliance, integration and user-adoption issues.</p><p>SharePoint is in widespread use with more than 100 million users worldwide, including 78 percent of the Fortune 500. For many organizations, SharePoint is the primary document repository and used both as an Intranet and Extranet. Its success has driven the creation of a range of enhancements designed to drive productivity improvement and increase collaboration across the enterprise.</p><p>Andy Sworan says: "SharePoint is dominating the capture of market share in the information management space. Like many technologies that have gained fast market acceptance, effective implementation of SharePoint has its challenges. To be fully effective, SharePoint must be optimized for the specific needs of the organization. This enables the organization to fully realize the expected payback from their investment."</p><p><a href="http://www.fortmilltimes.com/2013/01/21/2447505/demand-for-sharepoint-optimization.html">Keep reading...</a></p>