<p>New Year and new resolutions. Any enterprise that hasn't made its content mobile must surely be looking at this as one of their resolutions for 2013. But if you're main enterprise content management system is SharePoint, or even if it's just one of your systems, how do you make it secure when making it mobile? Mobile SharePoint</p><p>It's not that there are particular issues around SharePoint that make mobilizing it more problematic than other systems. It's just that over past year we have seen the number of SharePoint deployments in the enterprise increase dramatically, and with SharePoint 2013 on the horizon, it's likely that one of the big issues this year in the information management space will be SharePoint and mobile.</p><p>This is particularly true given the fact that everyone is now talking SharePoint online and SharePoint in Office 365. Enterprises are also looking to mobilize their workforce. Combine the two and you have a mobile workforce that is looking to access its SharePoint content on the road and securely.</p><p>Mobile file sharing vendor Accellion has been looking at this problem and in a recent white paper has addressed some of the security issues that enterprises need to address before mobilizing all their SharePoint content.</p><p><a href="http://www.cmswire.com/cms/information-management/mobilize-sharepoint-securely-5-requirements-of-a-successful-byod-strategy-018978.php">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://www.cio.com/white-paper/725329/">451 Group - Accellion Impact Report</a> (CIO)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?ncl=dDN1W3CyphJLyuMeLgZF0pqeuBRpM&ned=us">3 additional articles.</a></p>