<p>There are many challenges to implementing SharePoint, both seen and unseen. As a result there are plenty of pitfalls and traps to fall into, and it is very challenging to pick just 10 mistakes. Poor governance, not having an intranet strategy, or not having an intranet committee are traditional mistakes, but hopefully there is more awareness about these issues now. Marcus Dervin, director of Sydney SharePoint/Office 365 consultancy WebVine. focusses on more specific issues that are are often overlooked, but can derail a SharePoint project team's best intentions.</p><p>It would be great to hear what you consider to be in your top 10, please add a comment below.</p><p>6. The gap between IT and the business</p><p>Business users rely on IT to inform them of what they can do with SharePoint. However, I have spoken to many SharePoint administrators who admit they do not to tell their business users about key features as they don't have the time to help them use this functionality. IT also rely on the business to give them requirements, however, if the business don't have the information to know what is possible, they won't know what to ask for. As a result the business may ask for things that are difficult, costly and time consuming to develop.</p><p><a href="http://idm.net.au/article/009262-10-serious-mistakes-companies-make-sharepoint-part-2">Keep reading...</a></p>