Saturday, August 1, 2009

Printing individual Outlook notes


By Joe Dolittle

Reader Daniel Lazare had an interesting question about printing notes in Outlook:

I use Notes in Outlook. How do I print an individual Note. When I right click I do not see a Print option.

At first, I thought Daniel meant Lotus Notes, and I was ready to get the DominoPower editorial staff involved. But what I realized was that Daniel simply wants to print individual Outlook notes, those neat little sticky-pad looking things.

Turns out it's quite easy to print a note, just not from the note itself. Go to the Notes view and select View by Category (or any other view except icons).

Then, click the note you want to print. Select Print from the File menu, and choose "Only selected rows" as the print range.

That's all you have to do and your notes will print just fine.