By David Gewirtz
This week's PowerTip is a holiday quicky and comes as a question from a reader. Teri Kamykowski of Harvest Investments asks:
Greetings! Do you know if there is a way to cc someone when creating and assigning a task? Any thoughts/assistance is greatly appreciated!
This is easy and I'll keep it short and sweet so you can go off and snag the dark meat at Turkey Day. Unless you're in my house. In that case, keep your hands off the dark meat. That's mine!
Teri, the secret is that you don't use the cc field. You can do a New Task and under the Actions menu, select Assign Task.
There's a To field. Just separate the names of the people you want to get the task by commas or semi-colons.
Assuming your recipients want to do anything but sit around and burp after the big meal, they'll accept the task and you've done your delegating for the week.