<p>In February, Microsoft shook up its email business by officially replacing its Hotmail service with a new one named Outlook.com.</p><p>Oneimprovement -- as the software giant and users agreed -- was fewer ads. "A number of people have expressed appreciation that Outlook.com replaces advertising with the latest updates fromFacebook or Twitter when they're reading email from one of their contacts," David Law, director of product management at Outlook.com, said in February. "On average [in Outlook's testphase], people saw 60% fewer ads when using Outlook.com because they're now getting much more relevant updates from their friends."</p><p>Yet Microsoft can't count its new emailstrategy as a success unless advertisers are happy with Outlook, too.</p><p>As such, Microsoft Advertising this week is rolling out a new ad format for Outlook.com called versaTiles. The newunits consist of flexible "tiles" that give brands the chance to engage in "deep storytelling," according to Jennifer Creegan, general manager of digital advertising experiences atMicrosoft Advertising.</p><p><a href="http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/198739/microsoft-advertising-debuts-versatiles-outlooks.html">Keep reading...</a></p>