<p>Microsoft's Office president Kurk DelBene teased us with some comments at Microsoft's TechForum event about possible new applications for Office 365 subscribers. He also hailed the subscription service, and said that the company likes what it sees in terms of users transitioning from licensed Office to the subscription. He also had some things to say regarding touch-based Office.</p><p>When talking about the subscription service, he added, "You can even imagine new applications coming out for the subscriptions." This follows Microsoft's not-so-subtle push to get consumers to switch from licensed Office 2013 to Office 365, something that many embrace and others denounce. Reports Venture Beat, he reassured consumers that the standalone version isn't going anywhere, however.</p><p>As we reported earlier today, Microsoft has relented to the backlash over Office 2013 licensing and the issue with transferability. The retail license for the software has been altered so that Office can now be transferred to a different computer, such as in the case of buying a new machine if the current one fails.</p><p>He also spoke about touch versions of Office, specifically pointing out the OneNote app while talking about Microsoft's transition toward other similar versions of Office. The transition process, according to DelBene, will let Microsoft "rethink" the Office applications using the desktop versions as a foundation.</p><p><a href="http://www.slashgear.com/microsoft-offices-president-kurt-delbene-hints-at-new-office-365-apps-06272898/">Keep reading...</a></p>