<p>Mobile messaging traffic will almost double by 2017, according to a new research report.</p><p>Globally, mobile messaging traffic will hit 28.2 trillion annually over the next five years, which is almost twice as much as the 14.7 trillion messages that will be sent in 2012, communications analysts at Juniper Research said.</p><p>These mobile messages include SMS, MMS, IM, Email, RCS/RCS-e and Social Media messages.</p><p>Growth in total traffic will be primarily driven by the use of instant messaging services, which will comprise over a quarter of all traffic annually in five years time, analysts said.</p><p><a href="http://www.billingworld.com/news/2012/09/mobile-messaging-traffic-to-double-by-2017.aspx">Keep reading...</a></p><p>Read also:</p><p><a href="http://thefonecast.com/News/tabid/62/ArticleID/6178/ArtMID/541/Mobile-messaging-will-almost-double-in-the-next-five-years.aspx">Mobile messaging will almost double in the next five years</a> (The Fonecast)</p><p><a href="http://rootzwiki.com/topic/33969-smsmms-multiple-contact-selection/">SMS/MMS Multiple Contact Selection</a> (RootzWiki)</p><p>Explore: <a href="http://news.google.com/news/more?pz=1&ned=us&ncl=dBK-TuX4msYpYOMteUKHqz4AQ8SjM">3 additional articles.</a></p>