In addition to his job here at ZATZ, David Gewirtz is also the Cyberterrorism Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals and a columnist for The Journal of Counterterrorism and Homeland Security International. As you probably know, Russia has attacked Georgia (Tblisi, not Atlanta) with tanks and troops. However, before the physical attack, there was a cyberattack against many of Georgia's online resources. First indications seemed to imply the cyberattack originated as a Russian offensive, while later analysis by some sources dispute that, claiming that "script kiddies" are behind the assault. David wrote this article for the current issue of Counterterrorism. Given the timing of the Georgia attack, we felt it'd also be of interest to our Computing Unplugged and OutlookPower readers and are reprinting it here with permission.
<A HREF="">Read this OutlookPower article.</A>