Article archive for 2007 – Page 5

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Lots and lots of open PST files

Reader Rich Cunard wants to know if he can have lots of open PST files to get around a corporate-imposed 500MB limit. Read on for our recommendation.

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Defend yourself from phishing

A recent study reported that 63 percent of phishing attacks are targeted from three major Web sites: PayPal, eBay, and Bank of America. These top Web sites signal dollar signs for cyber-criminals as many people unknowingly open and use the links contained inside phony emails. This week, we had the opportunity to interview Adam Schran, an Internet and PC security expert on what constitutes "phishing" and how you can defend yourself.

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Changes to Daylight Savings Time could cause computer snafus

In 2005, the US Congress passed a bill changing the start and end dates of Daylight Savings Time (DST). Starting this year, DST begins three weeks earlier and ends one week later than previously. This change affects virtually every electronic device and computer program that deals with the time of day. If you use Windows, Windows Mobile, Outlook, Microsoft Exchange, or pretty much any other electronic anything, you are affected to

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Troublesome changes to watch for in Outlook 2007

Contributing Editor Bill Mann has been putting in a lot of hours with Outlook 2007 for the last few months. Heck, he spends more time interacting with Outlook during the day than he does with the people in the offices around me. When you spend so much time with a person or a program, you get to know them pretty well. And you see things that weren’t obvious at the beginning of the relationship. Here are some things he’s learned about Outlook 2007 that weren’t obvious at first, and that you might want to watch out for.

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Monday, January 1, 2007

A developer’s perspective on Outlook 2007

As we move forward into integrating Outlook 2007 into our lives, we’ll be exploring the new software from a wide variety of perspectives. In this interesting interview, we’ve had the opportunity to talk with Deva Hazarika, founder and CEO of ClearContext Corporation, a maker of a popular organization add-on to Outlook. Deva’s been hard at work updating the ClearContext Information Management System, but took a few minutes to answer OutlookPower Editor-in-Chief David Gewirtz’ questions about Outlook 2007 from the developer’s perspective.

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Monday, January 1, 2007

How to delete old calendar entries in one shot

THIS WEEK’S POWERTIP By David Gewirtz A few weeks ago, we ran the article "A quick trick for deleting enormous amounts of junk email". In it, we showed how to set up your email so it would be possible to delete thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of old junk mail messages in one shot. […]

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Monday, January 1, 2007

When should you upgrade to Outlook 2007 and Vista?

With Vista and Office 2007 coming out soon, should you upgrade right away? Both Office 2007 and Vista will be available for you to buy on January 30th. What should you do? Read on to find out.

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Monday, January 1, 2007

Upgrading to Outlook 2007: It’s good. It’s bad. It’s occasionally ugly!

With Outlook 2007 due to become available to the general public any time now, we thought you might be interested in hearing what it is like to upgrade from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2007. Most people will find the upgrade to go smoothly, but if you use add-in programs to enhance Outlook, or if you are upgrading from a beta version of Office 2007, things can get difficult.

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